Saturday, 9 January 2010

Ling Fell

Only a little one today.  Didn't get up as early as planned! The drive to Ling Fell was interesting, with the overnight snow and little traffic made the roads fun :-)

The Road below Ling Fell

The Land Rover earning its keep!

I took the corpse road to the top, which had a good covering of snow as well as plenty of sheep

The Corpse Road

The Trig point on the top of Ling Fell

The wind picked whilst at the top, making it very bitter. But it didn't effect the wonderful views.

Trying to look warm!

It was a good chance to try out the new Paramo Torres gilet.  Really noticed the difference when put this on over my Aspira smock.  Allowed me to be comfortable whilst enjoying the views and some soup.  Also decided to put on the crampons for the walk back down as there were some icy patches to get down.

View from the top

Nice and sunny view from the top

Skiddaw in the distance and Sale Fell in the foreground

Broom Fell in the distance

Another great day out.  Only one more Wainwright ticked off the list, but enjoyed this little stroll.

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