We set out on Saturday afternoon for the short walk from just outside the village of Mungrisdale to Bowscale Tarn. It wasn't long before we were in the snow. To make it a bit more interesting we left the path and took an ever increasingly steep route up!
But it was worth it as the tarn was frozen and look stunning.
The frozen Bowscale Tarn
We soon found what we thought we be a great spot to pitch the tents, so with the light fading it was time to get some shelter and some food before the sun went down.
The tent on test - more details of its performance to follow

Jordi's tent along side mine
'Camp' Jordi!!!
With hot food and drinks consumed it was time for any early night - 7 pm!! Well it was dark and getting very cold, so not much else to do!
The last of the days sunlight
We woke as the sun came up, and the ground had become very crunchy with the overnight freeze. My boots were frozen solid and it took a while to be able to tie the laces!
Sunrise at Bowscale Tarn
With breakfast cooked and eaten and the still frozen tents packed up, we decided to head back home for a warm shower. Good conditions to test out a new tent, but I don't think I will be using this over the trusted Akto.
Love the tent mate....do we get this one on the lads walking weekend then ???